

雪的大学 is committed to helping all st乌兰nts to have access to curriculum, activities, 和网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的活动. 对于那些可能有残疾的学生来说 with this goal, we are committed to working with the st乌兰nt to provide reasonable 根据联邦、州和地方法律的要求提供住宿. 我们的政策是提供 住宿 whenever an individual has a disability-related need and requests 住宿. A disability-related need for a requested accommodation exists when there is an identifiable 要求的住宿与学生的残疾之间的关系.

To be considered for 住宿 through the Office of Disability Services, a st乌兰nt 必须:

  1. 向残疾服务协调员申请住宿.

    Cidney Shinsel
    电子邮件: 乌兰.wons@lesnihs.yendic

  2. Have a disability that substantially limits one or more major life activities that 包括但不限于走路、说话、看、听或学习.

  3. Provide current and appropriate information about the disability, when necessary.


Any reasonable modification or adjustment that will allow a qualified st乌兰nt with a disability to access a program, service or activity or have the same rights and privileges as st乌兰nts without disabilities and to benefit from all educational programs 和活动. 使合格的残疾学生有可能拥有 access to the educational program and for an instructor to more fairly evaluate the 学生对材料的理解. 提供对所有服务的访问,但不是 成功的保证.


帮助学生掌握课程内容. 任何迁就都会造成不必要的财政负担 or administrative hardship or create a fundamental alteration to courses, facilities, 或校内住房政策/程序.




The first step in getting 住宿 at the post-secondary level of education 是“自我认同”吗.“自我认同意味着认识到学生有一个 disability that is creating significant barriers in one or more major areas of life. The st乌兰nt needs to tell a college official that they are an individual with a disability. 网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的学院官员是残疾人服务协调员. To 自我认同,是学生需要完成的 住宿要求.

网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行为残疾人士提供学术住宿. 个人 seeking 住宿 must provide appropriate medical, mental health or educational documentation of their condition so that ODS can: a) determine eligibility of 住宿, b)如果符合条件,确定适当的住宿条件. 

文档 required to verify the condition, severity, and functional limitations 包括填写在 这个链接 或PDF版本 在这里找到 PDF图标. This form or provision of equivalent information to the ODS by a licensed a physical, 心理健康或教育专业人士. 视情况而定,适当 professional should be a licensed psychiatrist, psychologist, neuropsychologist, or other qualified and licensed physical, 心理健康或教育专业人士. Professionals completing this form must have first-hand knowledge of the condition, experience in working with st乌兰nts with physical, psychiatric or psychological conditions and ideally a familiarity with the physical, emotional and cognitive demands experienced 由学生在学术环境. 家庭记录的残疾诊断 成员是不可接受的.

The documentation is to help us understand how the disability impacts your ability to have access to the curriculum as well as participate in tasks such as communication, 阅读、写作、住宿、实验室活动、课程作业和在线学习. 文档 that provides information regarding physical (mobility, endurance, dexterity, 等.) as well as cognitive (attention, processing speed, working memory, communication, 等.)和行为能力也会有所帮助.

NOTE:  An IEP or a 504 plan alone may not be enough documentation to guarantee 住宿 能在大学里实施吗.  住宿前可能需要额外的文件 可以确定.

The documentation can be submitted to the college with your “住宿要求” 或以下方式之一:

  • 传真:435-283-7314
  • 电子邮件: 乌兰.wons@lesnihs.yendic
  • Electronic submission directly from medical, mental health or educational provider
Depending on the documentation received and the 住宿 requested, additional 可要求提供与所要求的住宿有关的文件. 我们将 consider any information, including but not limited to the st乌兰nt’s description of their needs, records of past 住宿 at previous post-secondary schools, high 学校,州或高风险授权的考试场所. 正式的心理 or medical evaluations, as well as letters from past health, education, or service 提供者,如果提供,也将被考虑.
Although the documentation provided is critical, the conversation between the coordinator and the st乌兰nt is crucial to determine what 住宿 might be appropriate. This is an opportunity for the coordinator to learn first-hand from the st乌兰nt what functional limitations the st乌兰nt experiences as a result of their disability. It is an interactive conversation in which the most appropriate disability-related 住宿 可以确定. 这次谈话,以及对所提供文件的审查, 这是决定适当住宿的基础吗. 学生应该 contact the Office of Disability Services to arrange a time to have this discussion 如果不在学校,可以亲自或通过电话联系. 预约方式:
电话: 435-283-7321
电子邮件: 乌兰.wons@lesnihs.yendic
All information submitted through conversation and documentation to the Office of Disability Services at 雪的大学 becomes part of the st乌兰nt’s record and is protected 家庭教育权利和隐私法(FERPA).

Upon receiving the documentation, if necessary, and completion of the interactive 我们将对您的住宿要求进行讨论和评估. 它可能 take up to 4 weeks to complete the review of your eligibility for 住宿. Once completed, the st乌兰nt will receive an email stating the status of the request 以及如何进行的说明. 由于时间的关系,它可能需要完成 the process for receiving 住宿 at the post- secondary level; st乌兰nts are 鼓励尽早开始这一进程. 计划参加的学生 雪的大学 can begin the request for 住宿 before receiving a Badger ID#. For example, high school seniors are encouraged to start the process for 住宿 在参加秋季学期之前的春季或夏季.

Once 住宿 have been approved, letters will be written stating the approved 住宿. 学生将通过电子邮件或短信收到通知 信件已经准备好了,可以取了. 在这一点上,学生将得到这些字母 与残疾服务办公室的教授联系. 这是学生的 responsibility to give their accommodation letters to the professors which they want 通知他们的住宿情况. 残疾人服务办公室没有 communicate nor share the st乌兰nt’s approved 住宿 with professors at any 点. 把信交给教授是学生的责任. If this process is difficult, due to the st乌兰nt’s disability, they may request accommodation 在给教授的信中.